Sunday, November 23, 2008

Vampires, baby shower, grandkids and church!

I started out my weekend with Edward and Bella!!!! It was so fun to go the first night of the release of Twilight. It followed the first book really well.... the chemistry between Edward and Bella was believable! Good music- and the cinematography was beautiful of the Northwest. They definitely set the scene for the next movie!

Saturday I went to the Bay Area for Sadie's baby shower. Sadie and her twin sister, Lucy, grew up with my kids on the same street. Now she lives in Japan with her Air Force pilot husband, Rick. Their baby is due in March... and Sadie was here visiting her family so there was a fun shower for her at Mimi's Cafe- one of my favorite places! It was fun to see the girls all together. Brooke brought Brynn so everyone got to see her. Kelly was there with her little guy, MJ, and Brianna was there with her baby girl, Ivy. It is so surreal to me to see all these young women together that have known each other for over 20 years! Sadie is having a girl and she got some really fun stuff.

Camera on the wrong setting but it's the only picture I got of Brooke with Sadie!

Sadie opening gifts.

Lucy loved playing with Brynn

One of Bri's friends holding Ivy.

When Brooke and I were shopping I found a mirror for Brynn to look at- she loved seeing "the baby"!!!

After the shower I followed Brooke and Brynn back to their house. I had a few short hours to play with Mckenzie before she had to go to bed. Then some play time this morning before I had to leave to get home for church. I had a meeting today so I had to come to my own ward! Time to get ready for the Ward Christmas party!!

Had to get one more picture of Kenzie before I left this morning!

1 comment:

brooke said...

Fun weekend! Good to see everyone at the shower and really nice to have you come over. Love you Mom.