Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cami and Klas are engaged!

I am so excited, thrilled, and estatic- Klas proposed to Cami last Thursday night while they were in London! Needless to say, we are all very happy for them. No details yet. All we know is the wedding will probably be next summer. But I want you all to know I love Klas- He is a great man. He adores Cami. They are so cute together. I miss Cami so much but I know she is so happy. She is where she needs to be. So-- we are going to Sweden for a wedding!!!!


Brittany said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations to them and to you!

Barbara Theobald said...

Congrats to Cami and Klas. He is very cute, Cami, and you are looking more and more Swedish by the minute...just beautiful. We are so happy for you, now I need to find another job to save for a trip next year to that beautiful country. That would be a dream come true. We are very happy for you both and your great family. Barb

Tanja said...

Congrats! Weddings in the family are always great fun...I hadn't been on your blog in a little while. Man, you've been busy posting! Lots of fun stuff. I give you lots of credit for coming home just for an activity or meeting. If I had this much going on in my family...I'd probably tell them all to find someone else, I'm having to much fun with my fam!lol.