Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pain Pain, Go Away!!!

Have you ever had a pinched nerve????? Somehow- 2 months ago I did something that has caused pain ever since. It starts right where my neck and right shoulder meet- and goes all the way down my right arm. To the point that I now can hardly use my right arm. So I thought I would let everyone know just so you understand why this will be a short post. I laid low this weekend trying to rest the arm. And have you ever tried using the mouse on the computer with your other hand? I feel like such a dork!!! I have started physical therapy and been to the Dr. but my doctor (she wasn't my usual Dr.) didn't seem to have a clue. Then I talked to my friend, Diana, that is a psychologist that deals with pain management. She totally heard what I was saying and told me to get a certain pain prescription and see to a Physiatrist. I never even knew there was such a Dr.- but a physiatrist is a spine doctor. She also said do not go to a chiropractor. So I am doing the hot-cold treatment, wearing the forearm brace and living on Ibuprofen. So tomorrow I am calling the Dr. again. We'll see. I have dealt with chronic pain before but this is getting ridiculous!!!!!
Thanks for letting me whine!!!! I will keep you posted! =)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I hope it gets better soon! David's aunt had this problem and I know how difficult it was. Plus, the pain is annoying after a while. Take care of yourself and try to take it easy!
