Monday, February 22, 2010

What Matters Most

My heart is hurting tonight.... Brooke lost a dear friend to cancer today. Catie was a young mother of 3 small children, wife to a sweet gentle husband. I am once again reminded of how fragile life is and to never take those that matter for granted. I try not to and will continue to work at that.

Catie's husband, Steve, has posted a beautiful tribute to Catie on her blog.
This is her blog :

1 comment:

brooke said...

You are the best at showing your love to those around you mom...better than anyone I know. Thank you for posting that. I miss Catie and am hurting very much but I will be sure to take her smile, friendship, and love with me throughout my life. If nothing else, her passing has reminded me more than ever to never take one single second for granted, just as this video talks about. We tend to think life is so framed by birth and death but it is really just the beginning. Here's to loving more in this lifetime and looking forward to being with eternal families.