Tuesday, February 9, 2010

30 years ago!

Happy Birthday Brooke! I remember the day you were born so clearly. We got to Kaiser Hospital on Mission Gorge Road in San Diego at about 5:30 AM. I never made it to delivery. You were born at 8:13 am in the labor room!! A doctor I had never met before helped deliver you. Aunt Susie was there too with your dad and me. It was so exciting to have a little girl. Your big brother was over at the babysitter's house. By some weird notion I knew it was going to happen and the night before we had taken Ian over to his daycare provider's house. You were born 4 days early. You weighed 7 lbs. 11oz. and you were fair and blonde!!!! So sweet! You looked different than Ian had as a newborn so it was a totally new experience for us. You were such a quiet natured baby! You have grown into a beautiful woman and mother. I am so proud of you and love you so much!

Brooke at six weeks old

Here she is at two and a half years old

Brooke's beautiful family last November

1 comment:

brooke said...

Your last two posts are so sweet Mom. Thank you! We will miss you very much and really hope you will consider moving up North. Someday at least. Until then, we will make the most of your visits.
Thank you for your birthday wishes. You do a lot for me and I recognize every bit of it. You taught me how to be a good mom. Thank for that! Lots of love, Brooke and fam