Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have been watching the Olympics along with the rest of the world. I can relate as a mom whose kids competed in sports. I love Michael Phelps's story- he was raised by a single mom who taught him a great work ethic. How proud she must be!!! Every parent only wants the best for their children. You want some much for them to succeed- but to succeed they have to experience the pain of the challenges. And what about the athletes that work so hard and then don't medal or hardly get mentioned? My heart goes out to them too. To get to the Olympics is an accomplishment in itself. Another fun story I watched tonight- was Women's Rowing. The coxswain for the USA was Mary Whipple. Brooke rowed at UC Davis with Mary's twin sister, Sarah. UC Davis went on in 2002 to win National Championships. Sarah was their cox. We all knew Mary went to Univ Of Washington and watched her rowing career. Mary was the cox for the USA in Athens in 2004. They took the Silver. This time they won the GOLD!!! I have met the Whipples- and OH, BY THE WAY - They are from Sacramento!!! So Congratulations to Mary - I know Brooke was watching too and probably felt each and every stroke of the race!!!!

Mary Whipple is the one farthest to the right!

On a different note- just because I am a typical proud grandma. I was able to stay with Brynn last night while Brooke went off to her 10 year high school reunion. It is always fun to be with my little granddaughters. It is so special. Last night was no different. And to have Brynn all to myself for 3 hours was great! She is starting to smile- nothing like a precious smile to fill my soul!


Camille said...

Oh my goodness that is the cutest pic ever of my niece. She's changed already!

Barbara Theobald said...

Thanks Liz for the comments on the Olympics. It all makes me so proud to be an American and live in this wonderful, free country. And, yes, I agree with Cami, Brynn is beautiful. Being a grandma is simply the BEST. Love, B