Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All in a Day's Work.......

I thought I would share my work day with you all. I spend more time at work than anywhere else.... so it only figures that I should tell you about my day and show you my great friends at work.... Things have been changing a lot - jobs going away, new systems to learn, greater workload with no training are just a few of the obstacles lately- We are constantly being told: " take care of the customers but for now drop what you are doing and take care of admin", oh yea- "take care of customers" but "where is that report????" "Have you updated your tracking system in the past 15 minutes???" And when you need help from another department: "Call this person, oh- she's on vacation, call this person-oh she was let go, call this person-oh, he is union and has to leave in 1 minute and because they can't work overtime he can't help you." Seems like all we ever deal with these days are road blocks and dead ends..... our job is to figure it out anyhow!!! And you know what??? For the most part- I like my job!! I think though that the reason I like it is because I work with a great group..... We are all in the same situation- overcoming obstacles on a daily basis! When I was in sales- it was a very competitive environment. When I needed help it was hard to find- because everyone had their own quota to worry about and they don't have the time to help anyone else. Now that I am on the support side I am in a totally different world. Everyone is crazy busy but everyone (well, ALMOST everyone....) is willing to help!!! I even get to help others once in awhile but usually I am looking for help rather than giving it!! We had a conference call today to listen to a speaker on the subject of "Constant Change". So it is common knowledge that the company is going through an amazing transition period and it isn't always fun..... SBC bought AT&T but we took on the name of AT&T and are learning their systems. I really wonder who bought who. But with today's economy such as it is and the fact that they let 11 people go in our department in April- I am thankful for my job. I am extremely thankful that I love the people I work with. They manage to keep me laughing through the day.

Every company has it's own language, here are some of the words (mostly acronyms) you hear on a regular basis----- PTS, PRI, ATM, PTS, IMA, DS1, DS3, PTS, OC3, OEM, VOIP, Frame, Centrex, PTS, ISDN, MBOS, Web Mom, PTS, Firm, eCRM, ADN, DID, SLA, ICB, COIS, WOT, and did I mention PTS?????? Needless to say- that is what we are hearing constantly these days!!! That part is a pain. But when I wake up in the morning I never dread going in. I may be exhausted at the end of the day- and I usually work a little later than we are supposed to... but everyone does. It wouldn't get done otherwise. I think about retirement but still not sure when that will happen. I just hope when I leave the company it will be on my terms- not the company's terms! So for now- I will keep on keepin' on!!

My building- I think it looks like a prison!!

My cube

Everyone has something to help you find their cube- mine is the Swedish flag!

Part of my picture gallery in my cube!

More of my picture gallery

Lynn getting started for the day!

Good morning Lisa!

Roni working away...

Judy hard at work.

Anna is the youngest of our group!

Going on our daily walk with Roni and Collene

Roni helping me with frame relay issues.

Eating lunch at my desk

Lynn taking a break

Chris is still there as I leave next to last!

Whose messy cube is this????

This is right above my computer- great words to live by!


Anayansi said...

it is fun to see where you work. thanks for sharing.

Camille said...

Mom, you work so hard! Fun to see the office. Oh, and by the way, you have way more pictures up of Ian and Brooke's family up than you have up of me...I counted! hahaha just kidding!

Diana said...

Those acronyms are giving me PMS. I think you could add a mini fridge under your desk and a microwave as well as cutains to give it that "homey" touch!


Probative said...

You have a great attitude about your job. I need more of that myself.