Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I love 3 day weekends! It is amazing how the 3rd day off work makes such a difference in how I feel! I went to Brooke's Friday night. Evan was out of town for the weekend so it was just Brooke, McKenzie and I. As usual I loved hanging out with them. Brooke is working on the potty training for McKenzie. For the most part she is doing so great!!! This was a "Get ready for the new baby" weekend. It was so fun looking at all the baby clothes that Kenzie used to wear. As usual Kenzie was very entertaining!!I came home Sunday so that I wouldn't have to deal with the Monday traffic.

McKenzie loves to look at pictures on the computer.

All ready for church!

One last picture of Brooke and Kenzie before I left.

Since I got home Sunday evening I was able to go to a barbecue at my friend Denise's today. She and her husband have a gorgeous home here in Sac. I work with Denise and there were other friends from work there too. Denise is the one at work that always arranges our pot lucks. She is a fantastic hostess and organizer and today was no different. Great food and fun visiting with everyone made it a great afternoon!

Denise cooking Tri-Tip and Chicken Ka-Bobs!

Denise and her husband, Chip

Judy and her husband, Ken

Collene and her grandson, Aiden

Jamie and Kelly

But the day was still not over for me! I was the first one to leave the party because I had another birthday gathering to go to! I made my way to mid-town Sacramento to meet other friends at Mikuni's. It's a great Japanese-Sushi restaurant! It was Brandon's birthday. He is my friend,Diana's, cousin. Many times he has joined us for our Monday night dinners. I met his girlfriend tonight. They are a cute couple! I stayed safe with Chicken Teriyaki but everyone else had all the different kinds of Sushi and Sashimi. They are much braver than I am!! So once again a gathering of friends made for a fun evening.

Brandon and Shelene

This sushi is called Japanese Mafia!

Diana loves all the weird sushi!

Brandon's sister enjoying sashimi!

OH WELL- back to the grind tomorrow. The good news is - this is only a 4 day work week!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cinco de Mayo birthdays~

This is a couple of weeks late. But I can't let Cinco de Mayo go by without mention. Not because it is a Mexican Holiday--- but because Cinco De Mayo is the birthday of 2 life long friends of mine. So better late than never, right??

Happy Birthday- Melinda- AKA Millie~ We go back to 6th grade! We were always in the same crowd- we were class officers together and better yet we were songleaders together as seniors! For those that don't know what songleaders are- it was chearleading only to music with pompoms. Her mom sewed our uniforms! Her parents were involved parents. Something I didn't have so I always appreciated them. Over the years we haven't talked much and don't see each other much. She lives on the east coast. But when I get to see her or hear from her the years and miles go away. She knew me before most of my other friends. She is a great person with a great sense of humor. As a teenager I was always sure she would end up as a famous movie star in Hollywood! Instead, she is an established editor for a well known political publication. She is a great mom and wife. I wish we lived closer cause if we did I know we would be better friends than we are today. But she is part of my foundation and will always have a special place in my heart. Love you Millie!

Melinda in the Bahamas!

It is also another special friend's birthday on Cinco de Mayo! Joanie and I go back to 8th grade. In high school and to this day she is one of my very best friends. I could write pages and pages and not begin to explain what her friendship has meant to me. We got in trouble together as kids, we were room-mates our freshman year in college, we were sorority sisters, we watched each other raise our families. I loved her parents like they were my own. When we were in high school, many times her mom would buy 2 of the same thing- one for Joanie and one for me. She drove a Red '67 Mustang and we spent many hours driving around Coronado in it! Now one of my favorite places to go is her house overlooking the ocean, to spend time with her and her family, her 6 cats and 1 dog! She has a heart of gold and will do anything within her power to keep her family and friends happy. She has always been a volunteer- whether it be at the hospital, a thrift shop, she even went on a mission to Africa to take medical supplies. She has health issues yet never complains. She has amazing decorating skills. But her best asset is her personality. She is genuine and sincere. She is one on a short list of friends that has always been there for me. I appreciate her friendship and pray for her to have a healthy and happy year this year. Love you Joanie!!

At dinner with Joanie last month!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Twenty Things I Love Right Now

I was tagged by Rachel to list 20 things I love right now. It's fun to think about all the things I love. I know I have more than 20 but I will try and narrow it down!!!!

1. Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. I love all kinds. Especially if peanut butter is with it somehow!!!
2. The OCEAN. I love the smell, the sound, the beauty of it. It fills my soul.
3. Warm summer nights, especially if I am by the ocean.
4. Flowers- Looking at them in beautiful yards, planting them in my patio garden, looking at them in the stores, everywhere!
5. Sitting around the dinner table with friends and/or family for hours.
6. Clean towels. I have a thing about not using a towel more than twice if I can help it.....
7. Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and bananas with fat-free cool whip. My favorite treat these days!
8. A good hair day- they seem to come less and less!!!
9. Road trips. I've made so many over the years! I could drive to Southern Ca blindfolded!
10. Taking pictures. I love my little digital camera. I love the instant gratification it gives me and that this technology makes it so easy to document life happenings!
11. All kinds of music. I love 60's music and that I still know all the words to this day for most of those songs! I love current
alternative and jazz. I also love the Swedish music that Cami has introduced me to: Anna & Idde, Kent, Lisa Miskovsky, Edith, and the Cardigans (not sure if the last 2 are actually Swedish.... but I think so! Are they, Cami?)
12. Putting my pictures and music together. I have so much fun on my computer and making slideshows to music.
13. Traveling anywhere. I love seeing new places. The best part of Cami living around the world like she has is I can go see her.
14. Talking to my little granddaughters. Each one is so special and funny.
15. Coming home to a clean house! I hate to clean it but I love it when I'm done.
16. Keeping in touch- I need to feel connected so talking with each of my kids, the rest of my family and all of my
15. A great movie, a box of plain popcorn and a diet coke!
16. A great book I can't put down until I finish it.
17. My cats- Jade and Ruby. They are great company!
18. All animals. If my situation were different and I wasn't gone so much I would have a dog. I love animals so much!
19. Babies laughing! Actually babies no matter what they are doing!
20. Last but not least- the name of my blog says what is most important to me and what I love most- Faith, Family and Friends!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

This weekend was a fun one. I love Fridays because I know I have the whole weekend ahead of me. I went shopping Friday night and just ran errands. I love to browse but never have the time- so I spent a lot of time browsing..... Saturday I went to a bridal shower for a friend's daughter. It was so fun- we all met at a ceramics place- and we each painted a dessert plate for the bride. So she ended up with 12 personalized dessert plates! She already had a normal bridal shower so this was something different! After the shower I drove over to Brooke and Evan's. It's a long drive but I never mind. As usual, I had fun there with the family. McKenzie is at a stage where she is aware of scary things- like witches! After Brooke and Evan went to see the play, Wicked, a couple of weeks ago, she has been interested in the music and the pictures in the program they brought home. Anyhow- you will see what I mean by the video-pretty funny!

I had a great Mother's Day- I went to church with Brooke, Evan and Kenzie. I talked to Ian, Anayansi, Reagan , Jenna and Cami. I also got a sweet call from Shannon, who is like a daughter to me. Then I talked to Leigh and Chrissie. I got homemade pictures from the little girls, and other great goodies from my kids. Being a Mom is so wonderful and being a grandma is the best! I missed not seeing Reagan and Jenna in person but it was great to talk to them. By the way, Reagan got her ears pierced!! What a big girl she is. I am so thankful for what fantastic mothers Brooke and Anayansi are to my grandchildren! They are both so patient and loving. I know I have written about them and what great mothers they are- but on Mothers Day it is especially appropriate to let them know how much I love and appreciate them both for the hard work they continually do in raising my precious little granddaughters!

Happy Mother's Day Anayansi!!

Brooke, Evan and McKenzie on our way to church on Mother's Day.

Gramma and Kenzie on Mother's Day

One more note on Mother's Day- I appreciate Cami and miss her so much. She is a grown woman and lives 3,000 miles away, soon to be 7,500 miles. But she still lets me be a mom, or at least does a great job at humoring me and letting me think I am having a mother's influence on her! I am so into being a gramma--- but Cami lets me still be the mom sometimes. She does just fine without me but I still like to think that my grown children need my opinion from time to time. I love you and miss you Cami!

Cami in NY this weekend!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Weekend with Kenzie!

I spent last weekend singing, playing games, doing puzzles, drawing, painting, riding the train, making brownies, shopping, eating at McDonald's, and going to the park. In other words, I was busy being Gramma!! Brooke and Evan went to L.A. to see Wicked. Lucky for me I was able to stay with McKenzie while they were gone. She is at a great age. We have such fun conversations! She was so good too! Bedtime was a little bit of a challenge the first night but the 2nd night she was so tired I didn't have to go back in her room once. She is so hilarious. I think I laughed more in those 2 days than I had laughed all week. The weekend before last I was with Reagan and Jenna and they had me laughing a lot too. What is it about little girls? They are so fun!!! I am so fortunate to have such precious little granddaughters. I wish I could hurry up and retire so I could just go back and forth to be with the grandkids. I do get to see them but not as often as I would like. So enjoy the cute pictures and a fun video of Kenzie singing...