Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

First thing Thanksgiving morning I met Brooke and her family in Walnut Creek for a 10K Turkey Trot. Brooke ran her race then it was McKenzie's turn! She was so excited to run her first race. It was really fun to see how seriously she took this race. It wasn't very organized for the kids but she didn't know any different. She ran her race- all of 100 yards or so. She was very proud of her Participant Ribbon!! I had a fabulous dinner and fun time with Brooke's family for Thanksgiving! It was too short though. I had to get up and go back to Sacramento for work on Friday. Brooke cooked a great turkey and she made her homemade rolls. It was nice to be pretty low key. They went to see some friends for dessert while I stayed home with Brynn. I love the feast of Thanksgiving. But what was so cute was McKenzie- she made place cards for everyone. She loved helping to set the table. She wanted ketchup for her "chicken". Too funny.

I worked on Friday. It was so quiet. There were only 4 of us there. I didn't mind once I was there. I was able to get stuff done- there were no phones ringing. Chris and Lisa brought Thanksgiving leftovers in to share. That was nice and yummy!

Saturday was a crazy busy one. I hit the stores pretty early to do some Christmas shopping. For as long as I was out shopping I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. But I went with the flow and tried not to let the crowds get to me. I got one package in the mail which was quite an accomplishment! Then Marcia and I went to see New Moon. It was actually pretty good! But of course it leaves you hanging for Eclipse, which doesn't come put until next June.

Today was church. Then I spent the rest of the day just getting caught up around the house. I'm not putting a tree up since I won't be here... but I put a few things out to remind myself that it's Christmas. I talked with Aunt Rosemary for a long time. I hope when I am 89 years old I still have my memory and sense of humor like she does! She is definitely the sweetest person I have ever known.

In 3 weeks I get to see my other granddaughters for Christmas! I have a lot to be thankful for. A lot of gratitude in my heart.

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