Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back to my routine......

After 2 weeks of pretending like Cami lives in California- they are now back in Stockholm and I will go back to work in the morning. I worked some while Cami and Klas were here but I managed to get a few days off. It was so nice to have them here. Lots of talks, lots of laughs, too much food, and wedding plans... They managed to get a lot done in 2 weeks so I think it was a successful trip. Now the countdown begins.... 6 months, 2 weeks and 6 days until the big day! I am not sure yet when I will get out there.

On our way to the airport.

We stopped and had lunch with Brooke's family on the way to the airport.

After taking Cami and Klas to the airport I went on over to Brooke and Evan's. It was a short but great visit. Brynn has a cough but for the most part was still her smiley self. It was fun to see McKenzie go to Primary this morning- to her 3-year-old Sunday School class. They had substitute teachers today which she was not happy about--so I ended up staying with her. But it worked out and she had fun.

Ruby and Jade were glad to see me when I got home this evening. Poor cats! They pretty much think they live alone. Thank goodness for Judy and Hailey who come over to feed them every day when I am gone. I am actually looking forward to work (what????). So much to catch up on. I am so thankful the weather has been pretty wonderful these past two weeks. In Stockholm they are now up to about 6 hours a day of daylight and the temp is up to about 32 degrees! I sure take California weather for granted.


Barbara Theobald said...

What a beautiful couple. I am so happy for them. That Cami looks more Swedish than ever. AND, most importantly, she looks so happy. Love ya, Barb

brooke said...

I am so glad they came. It was fun having them and you! Thanks for staying over on Saturday. We love you mom. Don't worry...August will come quick! :)