Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trunk or Treat!!

I have to admit-- when I moved to Sacramento 5 years ago it was so hard to start over with a new church family. To this day I still go to church with Brooke and Evan a lot and I love to go back to my ward in Pleasanton. But I can truly say that I have finally learned to feel comfortable in my ward and even my stake. Last night was a testament to the great Stake that I belong to. We had an amazing Trunk or Treat event! There were about 50 cars decorated in the parking lot that the kids went trick or treating to, games to play- like fishing, bowling, throwing, a pumped- up- slide, old movies playing on the wall, barbecued hotdogs, root beer floats, face painting, and pumpkin carving contests. I would say there were at least 450 people there if not more! The costumes were so fun! I spent most of my time helping with the dinner but also had a chance to walk around to the cars making sure everyone had enough candy to hand out (and replenishing their supply if they didn't). So enjoy the pictures!! It was a fun night!

Seth is a plumber in real life- so very appropriate! His "Broken Sewer" was the hit of the night. Look closely at this picture!!He gave away his candy down his sewer pipe!!

Our Stake President with some hot dogs!

Snow White with the Wicked Witch!

A dragon guarding the castle!

Bishop Wickham was a chef!

Randy was one mean cowboy!!!

April was one beautiful damsel- helping the YW with their face painting table.

Spencer and Connor- a.k.a Indiana Jones and Steve Erkel!

Judy was spaghetti dinner!!!

Nicole and Kirsten collected a lot of candy!!

The missionaries stopped to pose for me!


Camille said...

How fun!!! Talk about some seriously cool costumes! I don't know what I am going to do here for Halloween. Swedes don't go trick-or-treating :( By the way, thanks for your sweet Halloween card. Love you!

Kayleen said...

OH wow! People really go all out, huh! I LOVE that sewer, the spaghetti dinner and the dragon castle. So creative!

Barbara Theobald said...

WOW, you forgot to say that YOU put this whole thing together. Amazing.....I always miss Pleasanton, but really, I think your new stake and ward measure up completely!!!