Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cami's visit ends...

Cami left this morning to go back to Stockholm... I have a hard time convincing her that I truly am happy for her- but I am! I just miss her so much and wish I could be a part of her every day life. Kind of hard to do that with a 9 hour time difference along with 7,000 miles. But in the big scheme of things I know she is where she needs to be. She is following her heart and her passion. Her boyfriend is a wonderful man. She has learned the language and embraces the culture. I am proud of her and who she has become. So I look forward to the next chapter in her life!

For her last night here we stayed at Brooke's. It took the 2 of us together to deal with McKenzie and Brynn so that Brooke and Evan could get out for a short date! We divided and conquered- Cami pretty much took care of Brynn while I was busy building blocks, doing puzzles, reading books, and helping McKenzie take her bath! She is one busy girl!!! It was great fun.

Cami taking a turn at playing blocks with McKenzie while Brynn catnaps!

After taking Cami to the airport I made it back to Sacramento in time for church. My one day to regroup before work tomorrow and company tomorrow night- my sister and her family are coming!! But did I get things accomplished? NO....................... I was pretty tired after all the driving and visiting and playing. So after church I read most of the afternoon and even took a nap. I never take naps!!! But it sure felt wonderful!

On a different note- I feel the need to mention the passing of a great man.Dr. Randy Pausch died Friday. He was the professor that delivered "The Last Lecture". His book became a best seller. He is a true inspiration. You probably know who he was, but if not- he was a professor at Carnegie Mellon Univ. Click here to checkout his web site. He was very accomplished academically, in the business world and personally. He was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. His message was to live until we die. Be positive and appreciate every second that we have. Instead of dwelling on his impending death, he chose to embrace life. It is so easy to get caught up in our daily struggles. His message is one I will always keep in my heart.

1 comment:

Camille said...

I love you Mom. I know you are happy for me :) Thanks for all you did for me while I was in CA. I miss you already.