Thursday, March 18, 2010

25 Years!

March 1st was my anniversary with AT&T for 25 years. If I hadn't taken 12 years off I would have 37 years total!! But I did take the time off - and the good thing is I was able to "Bridge" my service. So anytime someone reaches milestone anniversaries the company recognizes it. My whole team was able to go to lunch on the company's tab! We went to Buonarroti Ristorante here in Sac. It was great! Also- I was able to pick something out of a special catalog the company sent me- for my "award". I chose a Pentax Optio P80 Camera. So not a bad deal for reaching 25 years, huh??? I am not really crazy about the "New AT&T". Corporate is so much like Big Brother. They are implementing processes that don't always seem to work. There are fewer employees to do just as much work as before and we are always wondering if our group is next on the chopping block. But I am very fortunate. Fortunate to work with a really fun, amazingly smart group of people. All the years I was in Sales- I felt alone because of the competitive nature of sales. Since I have moved over to the support side I am able to be part of a team that has common goals. We all help each other. My job consists of hitting my head against a brick wall hundreds of times a day! Working with technology, processes that don't make sense, impossible deadlines and escalations, high maintenance customers, tracking systems that are a pain, and never ending job insecurity. But I am happy where I am. I love my group and other good friends that I have the privilege to be around (need to include Bryan and Ms T. here....). Each person in my group brings something different and unique to the group. I have never before felt like my co-workers "have my back" as much as this group does. I love being able to be of help when needed too. My boss is the best- she truly cares about us. So all in all- I am lucky to have the job that I do. I want to retire but still can't afford to- so for now I will get up and go to work every day and I do so willingly!! But only because I get to work with Lynn, Lisa, Chris, Judy, Anna, Yvonne, Theresa, Paula, Ben, Ramon, Deanna, Jamie, Michael, Marv, Gilbert, and our boss, Debbi.

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