Saturday, December 1, 2007

Attitude of Gratitude

I have to admit this time of year is not an easy one for me. I get overwhelmed with all I want to accomplish, knowing full well it won't all get done. I'm going to Texas for Christmas so I won't even be putting up a tree this year. So this morning I was feeling rather bah humbug! But I have a ton to get done so out the door I go. It's the only Saturday until after Christmas that I have free. After hunting forever for parking I was able to get into a few stores. As I left each store I found myself getting more and more into the spirit of things. Maybe a small sense of accomplishment helped after I bought a few gifts! But then I thought about all the other things I need to do...... did I mention I am now the Ward Activities Chairperson for my ward with the Christmas party only 2 weeks away??????? ( I was only put into this position 2 weeks ago- is that fair????) Yikes!
SO I had a long conversation with myself to try and remember what the season is all about.  I will focus more on my faith, family and friends.  And less on the material side of things. I can only do what I can only do, right? It will work out- it always does!   


Probative said...

I am more of a Grinch each year.

Just get out here and don't worry about gifts. There is enough guilt in the universe...we all put such pressure on ourselves at Christmas.

If it were not for my wife and kids I would treat Christmas like St. Patrick's Day.

Liz said...

I can't wait to see you all. Especially the girls Christmas morning! Another reason I will love Christmas morning too cause then I can sit down and enjoy!