Sunday, April 18, 2010

Not Leaving On A Jet Plane

Cami has been here in California since Friday, April 9th. Her main objective was to spend quality time with Jamie. Most of you know about Jamie- she was in a horrific accident while serving in the Peace Corps in Kazakhstan. She is now in a rehab hospital in the Bay Area learning all the basics: how to walk, talk and eat again. Cami has been able to help with her therapies this past week. I was also able to have some quality time with Cami- especially for her 26th birthday! And she was able to see a few friends but for the most part she has been with Jamie, Jamie's friends and her family.

She was supposed to leave today to go back to Stockholm. Her flight was scheduled out of San Francisco early this morning. Well, Mother Nature was busy making other plans.............. Last Thursday a volcano in Iceland erupted throwing the world out of kilter. At least the part of the world that Cami lives in and then some. How do you negotiate with Mother Nature???? You don't! So we wait. She has re-booked her flight to go home next Saturday, the 24th. She will try and do some work for her job remotely. She will spend more time with Jamie. She will miss her sweet husband. I came back to Sacramento to work this week but will be with her again before she leaves. It is hard to not be in control of your own plans!!! What a lesson in patience. Pray for the clouds to dissipate or at least lessen. Oh- and pray for Cami's cold that she caught from me to get better.....

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