Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to Sunny California!

Cami and Klas left Stockholm hoping to get away from the cold and the dark to escape to the sunshine state. Well........ it hasn't exactly happened they way they had hoped! So far they have seen the sun for probably a total of 3 hours in the past 6 days. We have been having horrendous rain and wind. To add to that - Cami recieved news that her dear friend, Jamie, was in a terrible car accident in Kazakhstan (Jamie was serving in the Peace Corps there). Two other people were killed in the accident. Jamie is still in a coma. She has been transported from Kazakhstan to Afghanistan, to Frankfurt, Germany, and now to Washington DC where she is currently at George Washington Univ Hospital. We are getting constant updates from Jamie's sister-in-law's blog. Lailah went with her husband and Jamie's parents to Germany and they are now in DC with her. This news and the weather is definitely making it hard for Cami and Klas to really enjoy their vacation in California. We have enjoyed family time though. Just want to share a few fun pictures of their visit. More to follow after the rest of their visit. In the meantime, please remember to add Jamie in your prayers for a full recovery.

I love having my girls together!

The sun almost came out when we went to Farmer's Market in Pleasanton.

Cami and Klas took me to barbecue for dinner!

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