I mentioned earlier that Cami's friend Jamie was in a terrible accident in Kazakhstan. She is now in Washington DC getting ready to be moved again to the Bay Area where her parents live, where she grew up. She is no longer in a coma. They say she is awake but not aware. It is going to be a long road back for her. It breaks everyone's hearts. But we are thankful she has survived. The prognosis is still unknown. For now we are grateful for each baby step of progress that she makes. Cami will probably be back sooner than planned so that she can be with Jamie. It was hard for her not to be able to be at Jamie's side.
The weather was really terrible for most of their visit. I obviously have no control over that one too. But darn------- I wish the warm sun had made itself known more than it did. It was still warmer than Stockholm though. Upon their arrival home they were greeted with sub-zero temperatures!
To top it all off I got sick the last week of their visit too. Cough, cold, sinus issues...... I am not back to normal yet but feel a lot better. I hope that Cami and Klas don't go home with my germs, I hope Brooke's family doesn't get sick either. Anyhow---- I'm thankful for the past two weeks. Being a mom and Grandma is the BEST CALLING in life I will ever have. Really tough to see Cami go home. But grateful that they are safe, healthy and happy. Life is so fragile.