Sunday, December 6, 2009

Here He Comes!!

Looking through the eyes of a four year old makes Christmas so much more fun! I went with Brooke's family to get their tree and then we went to Pleasanton's Christmas Parade! Brynn was excited cause Kenzie was excited. But McKenzie was beyond excited. We went to the same tree lot that I always took my kids to. It was very nostalgic for me to shop for a tree there. The difference was I always made the kids go pick one out in the Douglas Fir section cause that was all I could afford. This time we were in the Noble Fir section. Those trees were beautiful!! Brooke was true to form- having a hard time making up her mind!! But they found the perfect tree and it turned out magical.

We thought this was the one but it was not to be!!

McKenzie was trying to keep Brynn from running off!!!

The end result- don't you agree it is magical??!!

Then we went downtown for the parade and mainly to see Santa at the end of the parade. Watching McKenzie go ballistic over waiting for Santa at the end of the parade was worth enduring the freezing cold for over 2 hours! As we were leaving- and could hardly walk from being frozen- all she could say was "That was so much fun! I don't want to go home!" I got fun pictures from the parade- but didn't get one of Santa..... Sorry Kenz. We were having too much fun watching you.

Here is McKenzie waiting for Santa to come down the street!

Brynn had fun with the glow in the dark necklaces!

Here he comes!!!!

1 comment:

brooke said...

Too cute! What a fun weekend!