Sunday, April 27, 2008


I was tagged by Anayansi! This is how this one goes:
Pick up the nearest book (one with at least 123 pages)
Open to page 123
Find the 5th sentence
Post the next 3 sentences
Tag 5 people

So I had loaned Vanishing Acts to someone and just got it back- it is sitting on my desk by my computer.

"We went to the Empire State Building and the Museum of Natural History; we played on the Alice Statue in Central Park. I bought her toys at FAO Schwarz. I took her on a Circle Line Cruise."

Those sentences don't give much of a clue about the book. It is a great book as are all of Jodi Picoult's books.

So I am tagging nieces, Julie, Rachel, Miriam, Michelle, and a friend, Kaylene!!! Everyone is busy but hopefully have time to read once in awhile! Love you guys!

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