Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy 24th to Cami!!!!

I can not believe that Camille Collett is 24 years old today. She is in NYC having the time of her life - and I wish I could be there to celebrate with her. But she has great friends there with her so I am sure she will have a fabulous birthday. She has amazed me and others by all she has managed to accomplish in her life already. She is a world traveler having lived in very interesting cities around the world, has jumped out of an airplane, taught Middle School in Stockholm, works for a law firm in Manhattan now, and speaks fluent Swedish. She was always the peacemaker in the family and still is. Diplomacy is her middle name!! She makes friends everywhere she goes and has a heart of gold.

She has a strong, independent and adventurous spirit. I am so proud of her and love her with all my heart. I miss her but am so happy that she is doing well. I know this will be a fantastic year to come for her. Happy Birthday Cami- I love you more!

Cami and Klas

Cami and her roommate, Anna

Cami and Jamie painting their apartment at UC Davis

Skydiving for her 21st birthday!

While living in London

Cami and Brooke

One of my favorite pictures of Cami and me in Stockholm

1 comment:

Camille said...

Mama, thanks for all the birthday wishes and goodies! You are too sweet. I love YOU more and I WILL always be your baby...even if I'm 24 now :)