Monday, March 1, 2010

My new toy

I bought an iPhone for my birthday present to myself. Do I need a reason to buy one? Not really - but in my mind I needed to rationalize. Lynn and I bought our previous phones on the same day- and to get a new one you need to be within 6 months of the end of the contract to get the discounted price for a new phone. So to the very day of being within 6 months of the end of our contracts- we went to the AT&T store and bought our new phones. I had grown to hate my old phone - it kept turning itself off. So I was more than ready for a new one...... I have been having a lot of fun with the new one. I like to think I am pretty techy but the truth is- I am not all that. I do OK but Lynn will be the first to tell you don't have the patience she does. I just want it to work immediately. And when I can't get it to do what I want it to do I get frustrated! Evan and Brooke gave me a few tutorials too.... so I am getting the hang of most of the apps. Lots of new lingo that goes with an iPhone!!! Apps, location on, brightness uses more battery, navigating Facebook is not quite as easy as on the computer, sending text, touch don't push, ding, words with friends, postcards, AroundMe, etc, etc etc, So I need to finish up - I am playing Words with Friends online with Lynn and I am also playing Bejeweled!

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