Monday, June 22, 2009

Brynn is ONE!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my little Brynn. A year ago today I was in San Diego for a friend's daughter's wedding. My trip was cut short- I changed my plans to hurry back because Brooke went into labor and had Brynn about 10 days early. So I was back in the Bay Area about 9 hours after she was born. I took over with McKenzie (Boz is a great babysitter). We went to the hospital to meet her new baby sister. McKenzie was so cute- she was sooooo excited.

Brynn is such a joy- she smiles so much. I think she smiles in her sleep cause she is always smiling. For being only one year old she has a wonderful sense of humor too. She plays a game -when you tell her "NO" she laughs and just keeps doing what she is not supposed to be doing! She will stop to see your reaction and then laugh and do it again. She lights up so much when she watches her big sister. When she is upset- it is McKenzie that can soothe her the fastest. It is precious to see her interact with her mom and dad. Her dad throws her in the air and she loves it!!!!! But when push comes to shove- she wants her mom. She loves to cuddle!

She loves strawberries, popsicles, and her blankie! I don't remember what life was like before she was on this earth! She adds so much to our family. Happy Birthday Brynn. Grandma loves you so much! I will see you this weekend.

1 comment:

brooke said...

Thanks mom!!! So cute. I'm glad you listed the things she likes. Makes for good memories. She really is so special and she is lucky to have you as a Grandma. You're the best! It is hard to remember life without Brynn. We're so glad she is here with us!
PS_I love your posts. You have such great attention to detail!