Monday, May 4, 2009

Sick, Sick , Sick.....

With all the hype the media is giving the swine flu I feel like that is why I got sick. It isn't the swine flu- or H1N1- but it's just the good old fashioned flu. So much for flu shots, huh????? I will think twice about getting one next year- when this years' didn't do me any good! I am at least feeling well enough now to be able to sit at the computer and catch up with emails, blogging, etc. I got sick a week ago today with the chills and aches. It went along all week like that, feeling crummy and pushing myself through the day. Then I would go home and collapse at night. Come Friday however, I could not make it through the day at work. I left early and went home to bed. And there I stayed for 3 days! Actually I drug myself to Kaiser flu clinic on Sat. for an hour. They didn't even do anything for me other than to say I don't have the H1N1 and that I need to drink fluids and rest. No Kidding!!! So I slept and watched TV. I tried reading but my eyes were burning too much. Mostly I slept. After too many episodes of House Hunters, Color Splash, Curb Appeal, Rachel Ray, Paula Dean, Bobby Flay I was able to find a great concert on PBS with Ingrid Michaelson. But for the most part I could not make it through an entire show. I just dozed off and on. At this point I do not want to look at another bowl of chicken soup or applesauce!! I went to work today- and my co-workers were mad at me for bring the cooties back to them! I left early again.... but tonight Marcia brought me clam chowder and bread. It was just what I wanted! Marcia had pneumonia 6 weeks ago so she can relate to how I am feeling. I am so fortunate to have friends to check in on me. Thanks Marsh! So here is to a better week......


Brittany said...

No fun! Hope you are feeling better!

Barbara Theobald said...

All I can say is when we want to stay home we can't when we don't we can!!! I am sorry to hear you were so sick. BUT, I'm grateful that you have a friend like Marcia who would bring you some great comfort food. Take care of yourself. You never know when someone might just drop in on you. I miss YOU. B