Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It Was Loverly!!

I went see My Fair Lady last night at Music Circus in Sacramento!! It was so fun... Every year my friend , Marcia, shares her theater tickets with me for a play or two. So I treated her to dinner before the play and we had a great time. Dinner was fabulous at a great restaurant about 2 blocks from the theater. We ate outside and it was a beautiful summer evening.

We walked over to the pavilion after dinner for the play. I have seen My Fair Lady before but it has been many years. This was a fantastic show... and I loved listening to the classic songs that I sang when I was in high school choir! They are timeless classics. The costumes were amazing too. Marcia works for Music Circus in the costume department with her sister, Nila, for a summer job (She is a high school teacher). So that made it even more fun knowing she had sewed on many of the dresses and suits that were on the stage. I couldn't take pictures in the theater, of course, or I would have. But there were so many great lines in the play....Very fun- thanks Marica for a great girls night out!

Marcia at the restaurant, Chanterelle.

We both had the skirt steak with portobello mushroom.

Can you tell that we didn't like the dessert- berry cobbler???

1 comment:

Tanja said...

I'm so jealous..., a good friend, a musical & great food, what more could a girl ask for?